Yes, I'm a bad blogger. I hardly ever update. But since this is Thanksgiving I figured it was the best excuse ever to update the ol' food blog. :-)
What's on the menu at our house? Well my folks are in town so it's the perfect opportunity for The Lovely Spouse and I to show off.
* Irish Soda Bread with rosemary - recipe from an obscure vegetarian cookbook
* Candied Sweet Potatoes with a bourbon reduction (for those that remember the skunk bourbon that was dumped at my place, we found a use for it. Reduce the entire bottle and add brown sugar. Yum!)
* Mashed Potatoes with Hatch Chili Peppers
* Turkey Cordon Bleu (The Lovely Spouse's invention)
* Roast Turkey (this thing's a monster)
* A friend of ours will be bringing a special recipe stuff/dressing he just dreamed up yesterday. I'm told apples are involved. :-)
* Pecan Pie = recipe from a postcard from Graceland
* Apple Pie = Alton Brown's recipe
* Cranberry conserve = Joy of Cooking recipe
* all of this will be accompanied by a selection of wines, including a G-miner and a pinot. :-)
This morning we had Paula Deen's Ultimate Coffee Cake for breakfast. No kidding, this is probably the easiest recipe I have. The only thing easier would be to buy the thing already made. But even then, it would be more difficult to open the package of cake/pie than to make this monkey bread variation. The local grocery ran out of the frozen unbaked dinner rolls the recipe calls for so I bought pre-baked frozen dinner rolls instead. The recipe still worked just fine...the only modification I made was to bake for 15 min instead of 30.
[Image source = google image search]